Owner of the Columbus Yachts Brand, Palumbo Group, reports the busiest ever summer period as a record number of super yachts booked in to their service facilities in the Med. Just two years after it’s acquisition, the Marseille Superyacht ITM yard is in full momentum now, with many sizeable super yachts including the spectacular 55m Pendents Explorer yacht “Steel” passing by for pre-Boat Show works. The 12000 square meter shipyard has four dry docks ranging from 80 to 126 meters in length, a 95 meter watershed and more than 300m of quays for afloat repairs. At the centre of the shipyard lies “The Black Box”, a truly unique building designed to allow visiting crew to enjoy a moment of rest and relaxation. For the Malta facility every summer is an intense period of refits and service work, but this year they report an even greater number of yachts returning to use the exceptionally well equipped facility and it’s world class service. With a 160m long graving dock and a 140m covered dock the Malta facility is well equipped to handle just about any super yacht, and if the vessel is too big even for the graving dock then she can tie up to the 400m of quay for along-side repair work afloat.
For enquiries about Palumbo service facilities in the Med contact